Fiction and Non-Fiction combined, the story follows two characters all the way from birth to death. The book explains the process of how our lives unfold and how our mind adapts. It explains the motives and imagination of a child, the emotions of falling in love, the influences of work and the desire to find meaning in life.
The book also ‘jumps out’ at key points to go into more details about the world around us. For example, the impact of different schooling systems, or how voters really act around election periods.
I had considered writing about my favourite part, or what I had learnt. In truth, I can’t pick one area and any attempt to share what is taught would only undermine the power of the book.
In short, this is potentially the best book I have ever read and it is a book I will tell everyone to read. For a short overview of the book, David Brooks has given a TED talk on the topic, however nothing will beat reading this book!