Whilst recording a podcast earlier this week (stay tuned for it to be released next week!) I asked the question about the value of University. The response surprised me a little, my guest spoke about the need to have an aim, purpose and plan for what you want to accomplish and do at University. It makes sense, right? Yet, I found it almost impossible to do this when I look back. I didnā€™t know who Iā€™d meet, what Iā€™d do, what Iā€™d like and dislike, and so to be able to have a clear aim before arriving seemed pointless.

Itā€™s made me think, how important are plans? One of my first ever blog posts was about this ā€“ Plan to Act.

This coming Monday Iā€™ll be starting my placement, a big change and a new challenge, and this has made me rethink about this topic.

Hereā€™s what I think nowā€¦

1 ā€“ Plan by thinking

What is a plan? You could say itā€™s a list of aims, set of objectives or steps.

But what if you donā€™t know what can be done or achieved?

I believe ā€˜planningā€™ could just be thinking. Take University, before you start, have a think about things that would be good to try, skills to learn, places to goā€¦ They might not be possible, also there will be new things to see and do which you canā€™t actually plan to do before arriving. Therefore, think about what you do know and have an idea of how to approach the challenges.

However, itā€™s unlikely that you can literally plan steps to achieve things, sometimes an ambiguous aim is all you can have, but itā€™s better than nothing.

2 ā€“ Be flexible

Donā€™t be afraid to change from day one!

New people, information and thoughts. Be flexible to change your aims straight away! Each day, in a new situation, will teach you something new about whatā€™s possible and so youā€™ve got to use that to help you plan. It can be ever evolving.

3 ā€“ It doesnā€™t have to be formal!

When you tell someone to plan, they think of lists and mind maps and time spent doing nothing other than making notes to finalise later on.

A plan can be a small thought that comes to you at any time. You can plan by talking to others, by hearing from others and asking questions. You donā€™t always need a long list of steps, a plan can be a single sentence ā€“ ā€œI want to leave University with a firstā€.


To return to the point made at the beginning, do you need a plan, aims and a purpose before starting something new? Well not like you thinkā€¦ it doesnā€™t have to be big or complete, but make sure you do know why youā€™re going. If you have a why you have a reason to do things and make the most of it.